Finally…Free Love Spells That Work

  • Legendary spell caster comes out of retirement and may cast the love spell YOU need, for free
  • How I saved more than six thousand relationships, and how I could save yours

Have you recently lost a lover? Has your relationship suddenly ended? Or are you desperately in love with someone, but that person is happily with somebody else, or just seems unaware of your existence?

It’s agonising, isn’t it? Every time you think of what could have been, or what could be, your stomach ties itself in knots. A feeling of total and utter desperation grips you like a vice.

You search every corner of your mind, desperately asking yourself the questions… Why has this happened to me? What must I do for us to be together?

You’ve Tried Everything

Sending flowers and poetry. Tearful night time phone calls. Getting your best friend to try some smooth talking.

You’ve written letters pages and pages long explaining how you feel. Explaining how, if only you could give it one more try, this time things would be different. Perhaps you even threatened suicide, and meant it.

Maybe you’ve searched the internet for ways of getting back together. Perhaps you’ve even bought a book or two that claims to be able to fix any relationship. But nothing has changed. If anything, you seem further apart now than ever.

Whilst your heart won’t accept that it’s over, your head is telling you it’s true.

And now you’ve found this site, because you’re desperate enough to consider the possibility that…

Maybe, Just Maybe, Magic Really Works

Imagine if you could just say a few magic words and change the world as you see fit.

A few magic words, and your ex-lover calls you to say they’re sorry, they made a terrible mistake, they will do anything to be back with you.

A few magic words and the person you are secretly in love with suddenly notices you, for what seems to be the very first time.

A few magic words, and you are united — or re-united — with the person you are so completely in love with.

Your life becomes whole and complete.

The Truth About Magic

The truth is, magic absolutely does exist. Quite simply, magic is a way to tap into universal energies that exist everywhere in our world.

Anything that can’t be explained by science tends to get called magic.

As science makes new discoveries, things previously considered magical suddenly become accepted as normal.

If you could travel back in time just a couple of hundred years with a radio transmitter and receiver, and show a passing peasant how it’s possible to talk to somebody many miles away, they would undoubtedly think you possessed incredible magical powers!

Yet now we accept radio waves as normal and nothing special, even though we can’t see them. We happily talk and text on our smartphones, sending messages and our own voices halfway round the world through thin air, and it seems perfectly ordinary to us.

Universal energies are just as real as radio waves, but because scientists haven’t found a simple way of demonstrating their existence, most people simply wont accept this fact. The funny thing is, scientists themselves do accept that these energies exist, they just haven’t found a way to show them to us. They can see their effects, just not the energies themselves. A bit like how you can see the effect of microwaves (they make your food hot), but you can’t see them.

These universal energies are ever present. They connect everything. And you know what? You’ve already experienced them more times than you can imagine.

Has This Ever Happened To You…?

The Telephone Rings, And You Already Know Who It Is Before You Look At It

I bet that’s happened to you more than once, right? When someone picks up a phone and dials your number, they cause tiny vibrations in the universal energies. If you happen to be tuned in to those energies (like a radio needs to be tuned in to a station), you will pick up that vibration and know who is calling you.

Here’s another example that you can probably relate to:

You Find Yourself Thinking About Someone You Haven’t Spoken To In Ages, And The Very Next Day They Call You!

The same thing is happening. Your friend thinks to themselves that they must call you tomorrow, it’s been far too long. The very instant they decide to take that action, tiny vibrations in the universal energies will transmit that decision to you.

Everything Is Connected

You know, animals (particularly dogs), are very much in tune with these energies. If you have a dog, you’ll know what I mean. Have you ever decided to take your dog for a walk, and then you find them sitting by the door, ready to go? Or you come home and sneak up to the house hoping to surprise your dog, but the dog is waiting by the door for you anyway – like they knew you were coming? That’s because they did know.

So how come dogs can tune into these energies more easily than we can? The answer is simple. Because they don’t ask questions, they just accept it.

We have been trained since birth to be logical, to question everything, to ask for proof before believing something is real. And that blocks out our universal energy receiver — or as it’s more commonly called — our intuition.

Tapping The Energies

If we could somehow tap into those universal energies, imagine the wonderful things we could do. Everything is connected, so we would be able to communicate with everything. Including divine intelligence, or of you are a religious person, God.

In fact, if we could just accept that the energies are there, and that we can use them at will, then we would be able to do just that. But our 21st century thinking, our negative belief systems, and our constant need for proof, gets in the way. Our head says “this just isn’t possible”, and so our negative thoughts become the controlling thoughts. Unfortunately, negative energies are much easier to give into than positive ones (George Lucas understood this universal truth and used it to great effect when he created the dark side of the force in Star Wars).

So society has developed lots of ways of tapping these energies for positive use. We’ve created devices for channeling the energy. One very common device is prayer. Another is meditation.

And other less conventional devices (i.e. less commonly accepted devices), tend to get called magic or spells.

In fact, because spells are performed by people who are, generally speaking, very accepting of the universal truths at work, they are one of the most efficient and effective ways of making the universe work for us.

My Spells Help People Like You

I’ve dedicated my life to understanding universal energies, and how to channel them. It’s not just a simple case of uttering a quick incantation that I read in a weird book somewhere, it’s a lot more complex than that.

But it works.

Although you will probably never have heard of me before, those who have benefited from my spells never forget me.

I’ve helped people from all walks of life, in all sorts of situations. Through my research, I’ve fixed up relationships, made people rich, helped horses win races, discovered oil fields where none were thought to exist…the list goes on.

I’ve amassed a knowledge of spell craft (that is to say, of ways in which I can command universal energies) that is I believe, unsurpassed.

Why This Concerns You

So what has all this got to do with you? That is very simple. Developing skills of such power brings great responsibility. It is my responsibility to help others.

I wish I could help everybody. I wish I could create world peace, eliminate famine, and create equity for all. But those tasks are huge, and they require international efforts. Until a critical mass of people are willing to believe in the power of universal energies, those worldwide problems will continue to exist.

However, I can put my power to good use in helping individuals.

I’ve made a speciality of relationship spells. Particularly, reuniting couples, and bringing together people who are meant to be together.

And now, thanks to the great reach of the internet, I am able to help more people — people like you.

What’s more, since I have come out of retirement, I’m now able to cast some spells free of charge.

I Can’t Help Everyone

Listen, I cannot help everybody. Casting spells takes time and a lot of energy. There is a physical limit to how many spells I can cast in any given week, and I can only cast one free spell a week.

That means I have to place some strict restrictions on who I can help.

Is This Right For You?

If you have tried everything else, and nothing has worked. If you have reached that point of desperation, that point where you are willing to try magic, then maybe I can help you.

I am not one of these phoney websites that sells hundreds of “spells for all occasions”. By all means try one of those if you want, then when you discover it’s a scam, come back here and I might be able to help you.

My time is precious, and my spells are very specific. I only cast love spells.

The Catch

There has to be a catch, right? After all, some spell casters charge thousands of dollars for their work, and I’m offering to cast a spell for you for free.

Well, leaving aside the fact that anyone who asks for thousands is obviously trying to scam you, yes, there is a catch.

I will not perform free love spells for everybody who asks me.

Like I said, my time is precious, and there is a physical limit to how many spells I can cast. I only have time to cast one free spell each week. That means I have to be picky about which cases I accept. So there are some conditions:

  1. If you can afford to pay for my services, then you should do so. My regular spells are $250. To read all about my regular service, click here.
  2. Some people are not meant to be together. It wouldn’t be right of me to manipulate universal energies to create a situation that isn’t in harmony with the universe. If you want me to help you, you must truly believe that you are meant to be in a relationship with the person you desire.
  3. You must have tried all other means to get together, or back together, with the person you desire. If you have not already tried every other reasonable method, please do not ask me to help you.
  4. You must truly love the person you want me to cast a spell on, to the exclusion of all others. If you are thinking anything like “if this doesn’t work, I’ll try a spell on someone else,” then do not ask me to cast a spell for you. If such a thought can even enter your mind, it means your love is not strong enough.
  5. You must be at least eighteen years old. Sorry, but I cannot accept work from under-eighteens (the age of legal responsibility in most countries and states). The person you want me to cast the spell on must also be at least eighteen years old.

What If They’re With Someone Else?

It might be the case that the person you love is in a relationship with someone else. This does not necessarily preclude me from casting a spell. It is entirely possible they are unhappy in that relationship.

However, casting the spell will mean indirectly breaking apart that relationship, so if this the case in your situation, I would ask you to think very carefully before requesting my service.

Are You Ready To Decide?

If you are convinced that you really should be with the person you desire, that you love them to the exclusion of all others, you have tried everything else, and you genuinely cannot afford my regular paid spell service, then you can go ahead and make a request for my free love spell service by clicking the link below.

But if you’re not ready yet, please don’t click. Please don’t take the place of someone who needs my services more than you do. You should try all other avenues before using spells. If everything else fails, you can always come back here and request a spell in the future.

Wishing you love and happiness,

Joshua Stone

Click Here To Request Your Free Love Spell



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