
I’m continuing my series of interviews with people who have used love spells with the remarkable story of Carey. That’s not her real name by the way, she wanted to retain a little anonymity. In fact our interview was conducted via email, with questions and replies going back and forth over the course of a couple of weeks.

Joshua: Hi Carey. You got in touch about doing an interview after reading another story here on Free Love Spells by Joshua. What was it that made you want to share your own story?

Carey: Before you cast my spell, I hadn’t really read much about other peoples experience using love spells. Then I had my own experience, and it was so overwhelmingly wonderful that I always wanted to share it with someone. But it’s not an easy thing to talk about with just anybody. So seeing some of the other people’s stories on your site made me think that here was a way I could talk about what happened to me, and spread the good news.

Joshua: Excellent. I remember your spell worked out great. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s go back to the beginning. First off, could you tell me a bit about who you are, where you live, and what you do?

Carey: Sure. So right now I live in California. I’m actually British, and came from London. My husband got promoted in his company (a well known technology company), so we moved here about three years ago. I don’t work a paid job, but I do voluntary work with disadvantaged kids. It’s wonderful, really fulfilling.

Joshua: Sounds fantastic. Living the dream. I assume it wasn’t always that way though? You mention you moved with your husband, was this before or after your encounter with a love spell?

Carey: Before. So in fact, we moved here, and at first everything went ok. It was stressful, obviously. Moving home is already quite a stressful time. When you change country as well, it’s really hard! We didn’t know anyone, and we didn’t know the area. We’d been on vacation to Disneyland once, and that was our only experience of America. Coming here to live, we were thrown in at the deep end. And that stress probably was the start of our problems.

Joshua: Tell me more about those problems; what happened to kill the dream?

Carey: Well Tony [Carey’s husband] wanted to make a good impression in his new position, as you can imagine. No sooner had we arrived here than he disappeared to work for weeks on end. He would leave the house at 6:30am, and not be home before midnight many days.

At first that was fine. I understood that he needed to establish himself in the new office, get to know his colleagues, get some respect and all that. I’d given up work to move, and now my job was to get our new life organised. We’d rented a house, and all our belongings had been shipped over. I wanted to get the place straight and get on with finding us somewhere more permanent to live.

Then there were all the other things you need to do when you move somewhere new. Meet the neighbours, try to make some friends, get involved in the community. Basically just try and get settled in.

So for weeks and weeks, we were living almost separate lives. Tony was at the office all day, at least six days a week and often seven. And I was at home trying to build a new life for us. But it’s hard to do that when one half of “us” just isn’t there. We were building a new life, but each of us was building a different one. We hardly saw each other, and that made the stress of moving all the worse.

Joshua: How did that stress manifest itself?

Carey: On the rare occasions we actually got to spend any time together, we would argue. I would complain that Tony was spending too much time at work. He would tell me that it was expected, and that I should be grateful to be living in a wonderful house in an amazing part of the world. That’s not what you want to hear when you’re spending all your time alone, in a strange city and country. So all our conversations would descend into arguments. Neither of us wanted that, and so we’d end up just avoiding conversation altogether. We drifted further and further apart.

Joshua: You mentioned this happened over a period of weeks, are you talking about just a few weeks, or longer?

Carey: Well I guess for the first couple of weeks, maybe three or four, I tried to be understanding and accommodating. But by the end of our second month we weren’t talking at all. And then about that time I found out about the other woman.

Joshua: Ok, that sounds serious. Who was she? How did she arrive on the scene?

Carey: She was some bimbo from Tony’s work. Sorry, I probably shouldn’t call her that, it’s unfair. But she was blonde, and from what I can tell not the smartest cookie! She was after a good time, and she didn’t care who she stepped on to get it. As it happens, she stepped on me. She knew Tony was married, but that didn’t stop her making a beeline for him. It turns out she set her sights on him the week we arrived, although I only found that out much later.

Joshua: Did Tony tell you about her, or did you find out yourself?

Carey: Well by this time I had started to make a few new friends. I’d joined a gym — which is something I would never have done back home, but everyone here seems to do. It seemed a good way to meet people. Some of the girls there had husbands or boyfriends who worked at the same place as Tony. I got to know a few of them.

One morning after a session at the gym, one of the girls asked if I wanted to join some of them for lunch, and I gladly accepted. When we arrived at the restaurant, I was introduced to more wives. And that’s when it happened. One of the women said to me “Oh, your married to Tony? I’m sorry…”

I didn’t understand what she meant. As she said it, I could tell immediately she hadn’t meant those words to come out. I asked her want she meant by it, but she wouldn’t say. Eventually, after much persuading by the other girls, she told me that she thought Tony had moved here on his own and wasn’t married. And the reason she though that was because it was common knowledge in the office that he was seeing that blonde bitch. Sorry, I mean blonde woman!

Joshua: Wow, harsh. I can’t imagine there’s a good way to find out something like that, but there’s got to be a better way than that. What happened next?

Carey: Right, it was awful. And in front of my new friends too. Well I waited up for Tony that evening. By the time he got in, I was absolutely fuming. I didn’t even give him the benefit of the doubt. As he walked through the door I laid into — screaming at him — asking what he though he was doing ruining our marriage for the sake of some blonde bint.

He didn’t try and deny it, at least there’s that. He just sat down and calmly told me everything. About how she had seduced him, how he had made it easy for her, and how he preferred to be with her than come home and argue with me. He seemed relieved it had all come out. And with that, he told me he was going to leave, to go and stay with her. He couldn’t look me in the eye, but he just got up, walked out, and shut the door behind him. He left me completely stunned. I was totally alone.

Joshua: So what did you do? It must have been devastating.

Carey: Tell me about it. I was a wreck. I sat there crying all night, and then all the next day. I couldn’t move, couldn’t eat, couldn’t do anything. I tried calling him, but his phone was always off. In the end I called my mother and poured my heart out. She persuaded me to come home to London. She said a break would do us both good, and would let me see clearer. I was in a kind of daze, so I just agreed. At least I was doing something. I got a taxi to the airport and bought a plane ticket home.

Joshua: If I can recap then: You’ve sold your home in London, moved to California, your husband has just left you for another woman, and now you’re back in London staying with your mother. Your life is basically in tatters?

Carey: Yes, that’s about the size of it. My mother wanted me to forget Tony. She never liked him anyway. But I couldn’t forget. I loved him, and I felt responsible. Maybe I hadn’t made enough of an effort, maybe I hadn’t given him the space he needed to adapt to our new life. I had driven him into her arms. One thing was sure though, I wanted him back, and I was going to get him back no matter what.

Joshua: Is this when you started looking into love spells?

Carey: Pretty much. Not straight away though. I did a lot of searching on the internet on how to get back with someone. There was lots of books and things, I bought them all. They were all trash. They said things like “go out with other people and make him jealous”. Like that was even a possibility!

One of these books made a passing reference to love spells. It was a disparaging reference, something about people believing in them, but them being a silly idea. But a spell sounded like great idea to me! I had said countless times how I was going to need to pull out a magic wand to save my marriage, but I’d only meant it as a manner of speaking, I hadn’t considered the possibility that magic could really work.

Joshua: But you were open minded enough to give it a go.

Carey: Sure, why not? I had nothing to lose, and potentially my marriage to save. So I did more research, and decided on a spell to use. Your spell, as you know.

Joshua: How did you find ordering the spell? Did I make it easy enough for you?

Carey: Really easy. Actually, almost too easy. I thought to myself this can’t possibly work, it’s too simple.

Joshua: Obviously I know what happened next, but for the purposes of this interview, perhaps you could tell me in your own words.

Carey: Sure. Well at first, nothing seemed to be happening. I was a bit disappointed. I know you told me it would take a little bit of time but I’ve never been very patient. After two weeks nothing seemed to be happening. I emailed you then and voiced my concerns. You got back to me and assured me the spell was working and that the spell needed a little time. Just because I couldn’t see it working, didn’t mean nothing was happening.

Joshua: That’s what a lot of people have trouble with. The thing about a love spell is it affects the emotions of the person I cast it on, it’s not something that brings about a physical change that you can see. It takes time for the love to build within them, and during that time there’s nothing to show that it’s working. But then the love reaches a critical level and the person feels compelled to act on it. So from the outside it looks like nothing is happening for a while, then it suddenly seems to work all in one go. And your spell worked in the end, didn’t it?

Carey: Oh yes! The first sign came when Tony called. We hadn’t spoken since he’d left the house that night. I’d been trying to get in touch, but he was screening his calls and wouldn’t speak to me. Then out of the blue one Monday afternoon, he called. That was amazing for two reasons — the first was that he called at all, and the second was that he did so on a Monday! He had never called me from work since moving.

The call was very brief. He just said that he knew he had hurt me, he was sorry, and that he wanted to check I was okay. I felt like screaming at him that of course I wasn’t okay. But I stayed calm and told him that I was in London, I was being taken care of by my mother, and that I missed him. And that was it.

Then a couple of days later he called again. He asked when I was coming back to California. I told him I had no plans to ever come back. Why would I? There was nothing there for me any more. He seemed surprised, like he didn’t know how to respond. He was lost for words. He mumbled something about that being a shame, then made some excuse about having to go, and he hung up.

The third call came later that day. He was crying, and didn’t try and hide it. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about me. He told me he had been an idiot. That he didn’t care about this other woman, he had been stupid, and how much he regretted it.

Joshua: Music to your ears, I imagine?

Carey: You bet! I was over the moon. I had butterflies in my heart. But I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. I wanted him back, for sure. But after what he’d done, I wanted him to make the effort! I told him if he was serious, he was going to have to come and get me. I expected him to tell me he couldn’t get the time off, but to my amazement he said he would be on the next available flight; if I was willing to see him, he would come!

Joshua: Wow. And did he actually come?

Carey: Yes, he arrived a couple of days later. I didn’t meet him at the airport, I was afraid I would be too emotional, and didn’t want to make a scene in public. So I bundled my mother off to the shops for the day, and he came to me. When was saw each other, for a few seconds neither of us was sure how to react, but he took me in his arms, and we both just started crying. It was a mix of happiness, relief, sadness at what had happened, stress, and exhaustion! But it felt totally right being back in his arms, and I knew I had forgiven him for everything.

Joshua: That’s amazing. I know this sounds cheesy, but did you live “happily every after”?

Carey: Pretty much. We spent the day hugging and talking. We talked a lot, about the pressure the move had put on me, and that the job had put on him. We didn’t really talk about the bimbo, but he made it very clear how stupid he knew he had been. I believed him. I knew he regretted it, and I knew he certainly didn’t love her.

He stayed a couple of nights (which upset my mother!) Then we arranged a fight back to California. Once there, things changed a lot. He cut his hours right back to something more manageable, and he never worked weekends. We went house hunting every weekend for a month, and found a wonderful home. It was available immediately so we moved just a few weeks after that. Having our own place made a big difference. All the problems of our first few months were left behind in that old rented house. We could start over fresh in the new one.

Joshua: And you believe the love spell was responsible for all of this? For getting your husband back? Putting your life back on track?

Carey: One hundred percent. We talked and talked about what happened, and what was amazing was that he recounted how one day he got this crazy strong feeling for me, like he was literally overcome with a sudden clarity about how much he loved me and what an idiot he had been. He said everything changed that day; he knew he had to make things right. That day matched up exactly with the day you cast the spell. So for me, there’s no doubt. The spell drove him to make that essential first step.

Joshua: Does he know you had a spell cast on him?

Carey: Yes, he does now. I told him about six months after we moved into our new home. He was actually fine with it. In fact he wanted to know all about it. He said it explained that sudden burst of emotion and clarity. And he was happy I had done it because it had put us back on the right path. But I haven’t told anyone else, at least, not until I started talking to you.

Joshua: That’s an amazing story, and very heartwarming. Do you have any advice to anyone reading this who might be considering requesting a love spell?

Carey: Do it! Don’t even hesitate! Why would you not use one? What have you got to lose? Especially now that you are casting spells for free since you came out of retirement. I paid you before you retired, and would happily have paid much more than the hundred bucks you used to charge back then. How can you put a value on love anyway? So yes, if you are thinking about requesting a spell, then do it.

Joshua: Thank you so much for sharing your storey Carey, and for taking the time to do this interview.

Carey: Well thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so, and thank you again for the spell! It’s great to be able to talk about it with someone who understands.