How To Help Yourself (And Why You Should)

If you’re on this website, then it’s probably because something isn’t going right with your love life. I’m guessing the person you are in love with doesn’t feel the same way about you. I don’t need any psychic ability to work that out, after all, it’s why this site exists. But here’s a question for you: what have you done about the situation?

Have you tried everything in your power to be with (or back with) that person? I’m not talking about just sending the odd text message or phone call, or even sending a bunch of flowers. I mean real, proper effort.

A Silly Question?

You might think that’s a silly question. In fact, I hope you do think it’s a silly question, because it means you’ve done everything in your power to resolve your situation before taking the step of coming and looking for a love spell – the nuclear option, if you will. And yet…

You would be amazed how many people ask me for a spell yet have done nothing to help themselves first. I get requests like that almost every day. Complete strangers will ask me, in all seriousness, to spend upwards of twelve hours of my time, effort, and energy, working a spell for them completely free of charge, yet they haven’t so much as lifted a finger to try and fix their relationship themselves.

I know it’s hard to believe (I hope so, anyway), yet it happens day after day. Would you call a volunteer home help service – people who give up their time to assist the elderly and infirm – and ask them to come spend a day cleaning your house because you couldn’t be bothered to have a go yourself? Would you walk into a charity or thrift shop and ask them to use their time and equipment to launder all your clothes for free because it’s less effort than doing it yourself? It seems unlikely, doesn’t it? 

I’m Happy To Help

Here’s the thing: I don’t mind helping people for free. I like doing it. It’s my calling. I have a gift and I honestly and deeply believe that it is my responsibility to share it.

I ask that those who can pay, do so, by booking a regular paid love spell. And for those who can’t, I simply ask that they at least try to help themselves first. I commit to taking on a free case every single week because I know there are people who desperately need help and genuinely cannot afford it. If that’s you, then I will try and help in any way I can.

But it always saddens me when people want to grab one of my limited free casting slots when they haven’t made any effort themselves to fix things first. Apart from anything else, it suggests they can’t be that serious about the relationship as they claim.

Helping Yourself

What sort of thing can you do to help yourself? Is there anything you haven’t tried? At the very least, I would hope most people would have attempted most or all of these:

  • Write a letter. Or an email. Not a text, it’s not enough. Something long-form where you can put your thoughts and feelings down and make an impassioned case to the person you are in love with about why you should be together. This is all the more important if it’s an ex, because something has probably happened to break your relationship and you need to explain in a careful and considered way why you thing it will be different this time, if they give you another chance (or if you give them one, if that’s the case).
  • Take them to dinner, or do something romantic. I get asked all the time to cast a spell on a “crush”, yet the person asking for it hasn’t even asked them out on a date. They expect me to use the nuclear option to kickstart a relationship they haven’t bothered trying to initiate themselves. If this person means that much to you, it must be worth the effort to try starting something yourself.
  • Make a bigger gesture. Something that proves how you feel, or that you’ve changed, or that you’re worthy of their love. What’s the gesture? That depends on the person, but if you love them, then you undoubtedly know them well enough to know the sort of thing that will make your feelings clear to them and will impress them.

There are probably a dozen other things you could try as well, but these would be the bare minimum. Not only is it common sense to try to fix your relationship yourself before asking someone else for help, but in my experience the universe helps those who try to help themselves far more readily than those who just look for the easy option and expect handouts.

It’s Not All Bad

Fortunately, the majority of people who ask for my help have made considerable efforts to resolve their own situation. Indeed, many come to me having already asked other casters for a spell but have, sadly, been the victims of less-than-honest practitioners who are more talented at putting together convincing websites than casting actual love spells. I’m always happy to help put things right in those cases.

Quite a lot of people who ask for my help have gone as far as trying to cast their own love spell. This is an excellent thing to do because a love spell cast by the person who is in love has an extra potency. For a caster on the outside of the relationship, it takes years of experience to be able to match that kind of energy when casting.

Your Own Spell?

If you’re interested in trying to cast your own love spell, it’s easier than you might think (as long as you’re casting it on someone you are genuinely in love with, for the aforementioned reason). I’m often asked if I can teach people how to do it, but teaching is not my strong suit, and besides, I don’t have enough time.

Luckily, I know someone who is an excellent teacher, and I was very privileged to be asked to write the foreword to her book on the subject. Morgan Rune is the author of Modern Candle Magic, which to my mind is the definitive resource on the topic. I’ve known Morgan for many years and she’s the best at what she does. When she asked me if I would write the introduction to her book, I jumped at the chance because I knew it would be brilliant (and it is). I didn’t get paid anything for doing so, and I don’t make anything out of her book. I’m simply delighted that it exists because it means I can recommend it to people who are looking to help themselves with a little magic.

Morgan’s book teaches how to cast powerful, effective candle spells using materials you probably already have at home. If you’re thinking of trying your own spell (and why wouldn’t you, if you are genuinely in love with someone and need a helping hand?), then I heartily recommend the book. It’s an easy read, and you’ll be able to cast your first spell the same day.

I’m Still Happy To Help!

I know this page probably comes across as quite negative, but that’s not my intention. I want to reiterate that I am still happy to cast love spells for free. I am committed to casting a free spell each week, because I know there are people who genuinely and desperately need that help.

But if you haven’t tried the bare minimum to fix things yourself, please do not request a free spell. If you want to apply for a paid spell, that’s fine and I will consider your case. But free spells are reserved for those who really need them.