Usually when someone comes to me asking me to cast a spell, they are asking for themselves. They want me to make someone fall in love with them. Occasionally though, I get a different kind of request. Every now and then somebody will send me an email and ask if I can do a love spell for their friend, or for a member of their family. Beatrice (not her real name, I’ve changed it to protect her identity) sent a message like that. She kindly agreed to let me share it.
“It’s for my best friend,” she said in her email. “She’s so sad and I hate to see her like that. Her boyfriend left her and he’s seeing someone else. It’s eating her up inside but she won’t do anything about it. I’ve tried talking to her ex, I’ve begged him to give them another chance, but he says he doesn’t want to be tied down. He says he’s too young to commit to anyone and wants to date other people. I don’t know what else to do. A love spell might be the only answer.”
Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts and Uncles Too
I haven’t counted them, but I know that most of the emails I get asking me to cast for a third party are like Beatrice’s, which is to say they are asking me to cast a spell for a friend. About a third of them ask me to cast for a family member though, most commonly a parent.
So what’s my response to these kinds of requests? Do I accept cases for third parties?
The short answer is no, I don’t. I can’t. It might seem unfair, but there are good reasons why the answer has to be negative. That’s not to say these people cannot be helped though — they can, and shortly I’ll talk about how. First though, let’s look at why I have to refuse these kinds of spell requests. In fact, there are two reasons.
1. Desire is Key
There’s a clue in Beatrice’s email as to why I had to tell her I could not help her friend. Here’s the pertinent line:
“It’s eating her up inside but she won’t do anything about it”
Beatrice’s friend, we’ll call her Jane, wasn’t doing anything to help herself. There could be a thousand reasons why. Perhaps she was too depressed to be able to take action. Maybe she couldn’t face further rejection from her ex and would rather wallow in self-pity than risk even more pain. Or perhaps it’s simply that she didn’t know what actions to take to get back her ex-boyfriend.
Whatever the reason for her inaction, the key thing is that Jane wasn’t trying and that means I couldn’t be certain of her desire.
Desire is a key component of a successful love spell. For the spell to work, the person I’m casting for must desire the outcome with all their heart. They must want that spell to work no matter what.
This isn’t just about convincing me, the desire carries energy and that energy powers the spell. It’s like the engine that pushes the spell along. Combined with the love they feel for the target of the spell, the desire provides the energy to make the magic happen.
It may well be that Jane desired the outcome. She was upset her boyfriend had left, but how much of her distress was at the fact he’d gone, how much was due to the fact he was seeing someone else, and how much of it was a burning desire to have him back? Without talking to her directly, I had no way to know the answer.
Beatrice might have thought she knew, she certainly had her friend’s best interests at heart, but could she really gauge the desire her friend had to be back with her ex? I simply could not commit to spending twenty-four hours of hard work and energy to cast a spell without being certain that the desire was there and that it was true.
More to the point, without any knowledge of the spell, Jane would not be able to direct her desire towards a positive outcome. When I cast a spell for someone, part of their desire naturally focusses on the process and seeing the spell manifest. This is key to seeing a positive result.
If I cast a spell for Jane at Beatrice’s request, she would be oblivious to it. None of her desire would be fed directly into the spell, which means the spell would have a much lower chance of success.
Even had I known for a fact the desire was sufficient, there was another reason I must turn down this sort of request.
2. Consent
If you’ve ever been to hospital for a major operation, you probably had to sign a consent form to say you agreed the doctors had permission to cut you open. If you have kids, their school probably asks you to sign a consent form before they can go out on field trips, or these days even to have their photo taken. Consent is a fundamental human right. Kids under the age of 18 can’t legally give it, but adults hold the key to their own consent.
In our example case here, Jane was the only person who could grant consent for me to intervene in her love life. Her friend Beatrice undoubtedly thought she was doing the right thing, but nobody knows the mind of another, not truly. There was no way Beatrice could know with 100% certainty that Jane 1) truly wanted her ex back (she could have been mourning his loss for the other reasons I mentioned above), or 2) that she would be okay with someone casting a spell that would use her own energy as a vital ingredient, or 3) that she was happy for a complete stranger to know the details of her personal situation.
Casting a spell for Jane without her knowing about it might not be as physically invasive as slapping her on the operating table and opening her up, but it would be invasive in other ways. I would be privy to her feelings, emotions she may not want anyone else to know about. I’d be manipulating her emotional energy and using it ways she might not agree to were she aware. And all this for an outcome I couldn’t be certain she wanted.
How Can We Help Them?
Hopefully it’s now clear why, ethically, morally, and practically, I cannot agree to cast love spells for a friend, mother, father, brother, sister, or any other third party. The request must always be made by the person I am casting for. That person is the only one who can assure me their desire is true, and they are the only one who can grant me the consent to intervene in their love life and use their emotional energy.
So where does this leave the friends and family members who are suffering, and who could be helped by a love spell?
The answer is simple: make the suggestion to them. If they haven’t asked for a love spell themselves it’s only going to be for one of two reasons. Either they don’t want one (because they don’t believe they work, or because they don’t want to use magic in the situation), or they don’t know about them.
If they don’t want a spell, then the problem ceases to exist. Certainly no self-respecting spell caster is going to cast a spell for someone who is unaware it’s being done, and even less so on someone who actively does not want one.
But if that person — the friend, the sibling, the parent — doesn’t know about the power of love spells and their ability to bring happiness, then you can tell them. Introduce them to the idea. Show them stories of people who’ve had success with spells. Make them aware that a spell could help them and then let them make the request.
Beatrice and Jane
This is what I suggested to Beatrice. After I told her why I could not cast for Jane, she went back to her friend and showed her this website. They read some of the success stories together, and Jane agreed that a spell might be the answer. Then Jane came to me and asked me to cast a spell on her ex-boyfriend.
This changed everything. Now there were no more questions over desire or consent. With Jane on board, this became a standard case. I was happy to accept her request and scheduled a spell accordingly.
I’m delighted to say that Jane’s desire was indeed true, and the spell was a great success. Her ex-boyfriend decided he loved her too much to give her up, and instead gave up the idea of dating other girls.
Beatrice’s original email came four years ago. I caught up with Jane again while I was putting together this article to see how she was, and she told me she was still very much in love with her boyfriend and they were off backpacking around the world together.